Contract Negotiations

Get Every Dollar You Deserve

When it’s time to ink your professional football contract, you want a powerhouse negotiator in your corner. At ProDirect, that's where our expertise shines. Contract negotiations are a critical juncture in your career, and we take that responsibility seriously. It's not just about getting a deal; it's about securing a contract that reflects your true value.

Here’s how ProDirect tackles contract negotiations:

  • Expertise in Action: Led by Peter Davis, with over three decades in legal practice and certified by the NFLPA, our negotiation tactics are informed by experience and a deep understanding of the sport’s legal landscape.

  • Player-Centric Approach: As the founder of ProDirect, Peter doesn’t just represent players; he advocates for their long-term success, ensuring your contract supports your career goals.

  • Knowledge is Power: We believe in empowering you with knowledge about the NFL's compensation structures, including the Rookie Scale and Collective Bargaining Agreement, so you’re as informed as you are represented.

  • Full-Spectrum Focus: From base salary to signing bonuses and performance incentives, we dissect every detail to maximize your earning potential.

  • Personal Investment: With Peter at the helm, you’re not just a client; you’re part of the ProDirect family, and we fight for the best for our own.

Choose ProDirect, and step into the league not only with a contract but with a testament to your future success in the game.